Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tagalog???? naturally it is our own language as a Pilipino.. Most of all knows that language is a human speech.. Language,, normally it is the variety of speech or body of words and idioms.. It is also a mode of expression whom people expressing their feelings. This is a manner of expressing thoughts..

Me and my friends speaking our own dialects in order to understand one another.. I am not saying that we dont understand English but we must use our own dialects.. Speak to others with kindness...!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"hEaLth iS WeaLth"

During July.. Were always celebrating the nutrition month.. What is a Nutrition then???? For me, it is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. We must eat nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits to avoid diseases like AH1N1 and Dengue...

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise was a pioneering
lifestyle... We must clean our hands properly and used an alcohol or sanitizer to prevent from any kind of diseases...

ViruS???!!!! itchy! we must take care of ourselves..